About LifePlan Academy
LifePlan Academy is a motivational and development program addressed to young people aged 14-17, who lack support for self-development and pursuit of dreams in their own environment. LifePlan provides participants with capital that will pay off for the rest of their lives. He will give them their own lifeplan!
Project goals
Motivating to
achieve the
set goal
Showing the way to make your dreams come true
Unleashing Your Potential
Strengthening competences

Who is running the project?
/ How do we run the project?
Observing the positive effects of LifePlan and the growing interest in the program by young people, as well as the deepening deficit of values among the young generation, the Foundation has set itself the goal of covering as many children as possible in the program in Poland and in the world.
In order to be able to effectively achieve this goal, the Foundation has now decided to change the current formula of the program. So far, we have run the program ourselves, recruiting children from all over Poland, selecting and training trainers and organizing individual training modules. Currently, the Foundation will transfer the program and train trainers to other organizations that work with children around the world on a daily basis. In this way, it will be possible to run the program in parallel in many organizations, supporting a much larger number of children.
The Foundation will be the substantive patron of the project, providing detailed tools and know-how to run LifePlan Academy
LifePlan Academy coaches

Join us!
We invite all organizations and individuals to run Life Plan Academy. The program can be organized in a group of several people. It is an effective tool for working with children during extracurricular activities at school, in municipal organizations, welfare centers, foster families, wherever there are children who want to change their lives. And we can help with that too!
Benefitsfor the organisation:
- LifePlan - is a structured, effective personal development program for children and youth. It has been designed to the last detail and to inspire on many levels.
- LifePlan - offers free online training for educators, who after receiving their certification, can implement the program with young people in their schools and organisations.
- LifePlan - puts emphasis on teaching life skills. It equips its participants with practical tools and enriches them with knowledge that comes in handy in everyday life.
- LifePlan - creates positive social impact and helps develop coaching competences along with certification at various coaching levels.
- LifePlan - offers participation in a global project with an international exposure bringing young people, charitable and educational organisations together.
- LifePlan - its original formula based on the author’s extreme travels and polar expeditions easily resonates with educators and learners because of the ‘based on a true story’ and ‘adventure’ components.
- LifePlan - gives an opportunity to actively participate in the development of young people through the use of a powerful tool - the Pole Method. It is a program like no other.
Organizations that work with us

Life Plan through the eyes of leading organizations
For me, as a trainer, working with a group that is committed, open to receiving new content, and motivated to act is the greatest pleasure.
This training is an important Pole that I have achieved. And since the Way is more important than the goal, I look forward to hearing from my new friends about how the Way is going to their Poles.
Then I feel that my work makes sense. I also repeat that the coaching job is amazing because I always learn something from people I have met. This time I completed the training enriched with a whole huge bag of emotions and experiences, incl. for the development of my own kindness, learning to combine with laughter, which every now and then loudly appeared in the room, I was comforted by the beautiful singing of several participants, touched by sincerity and commitment, entering even deeper into the Pole Method and much, much more. Asante sana!”

Aleksandra Demko
Master Trainer of the LPA
Do you want to learn more
about the LPA possibilities?

LifePlan is an educational program aimed at children and adolescents aged 14-17 years around the world.
We want children from different cultures and nationalities to unite in one LifePlan community, supporting and motivating each other. We want them to share their knowledge, experience and potential. We think about the fact that, as part of LifePlan Academy, children create joint projects that are real effects of the competences developed in the program.
Benefits for participants
- builds lasting self-esteem
- teaches you to find your own potential, shows the importance of a human being's driving force, and teaches you to be active
- it educates a society open to others, to changes, ready to create a better world
- creates communities without borders and without barriers
- teaches non-standard solutions, creativity and flexibility of thinking
- developing competences that will allow you to realistically shape your life and make decisions

Get to know their stories

Założenia szkoleniowe projektu
Dedykowany trener
Każdy Uczestnik będzie pod opieką certyfikowanego trenera Metody Biegun.
Przez cały okres trwania programu, Uczestnicy będą mieli kontakt ze swoim trenerem, będą brać udział w zajęciach grupowych i sesjach indywidualnych, podczas których realizują program oraz wspólnie poszukują rozwiązań dla pojawiających się w trakcie procesu trudności i wyzwań.

Wisła XXI wieku
Warsztaty i obozy motywujące dla dzieci z problemami kardiochirurgicznymi i kardiologicznymi oraz ich rodziców.
Warsztaty polegające na wsparciu psychologicznym poprzez metody motywacji, relaksacji, radzenia sobie ze stresem oraz efektywnego i indywidualnego dla każdego uczestnika sposobu spędzania wolnego czasu.

Wisła XXI wieku
Warsztaty i obozy motywujące dla dzieci z problemami kardiochirurgicznymi i kardiologicznymi oraz ich rodziców.
Warsztaty polegające na wsparciu psychologicznym poprzez metody motywacji, relaksacji, radzenia sobie ze stresem oraz efektywnego i indywidualnego dla każdego uczestnika sposobu spędzania wolnego czasu.

LifePlan Academy training modules
As part of the program, participants will complete the following educational modules, consistent with the Pole Method:
Zaprawa / Camp Moon
Step 1
Pole Methods: Discover your Pole / Camp North Pole
Step 2
Methods of Pole: Map of the Road / Camp Antarctica
Step 3
Pole Methods: The way is important, not the destination / Camp Camino
Step 4
Pole Methods: Two Poles: Success and Failure / Camp Everest
Expedition Expedition / South Pole Expediton
Step 5
Methods Biegun: Know yourself / Camp Asia
GALAktyka - summary gala
Foundations of the project
The LifePlan Academy youth development program is based on the proprietary Pole Method developed by Marek Kamiński, who in 5 steps guide and help you achieve your goal, realize yourself and your dream.
The Pole method was created based on the thoughts and experiences of Marek Kamiński from his extraordinary expeditions. Supports and motivates in personal development, giving specific tools to achieve the goal. Apart from the psyche sphere, the Pole Method includes elements of physical training and survival that help overcome one’s own barriers.

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